1: Hungary General Mining Certificate, 1926
2: Pressed Steel Car Company, Inc. Certificate, 1941
3: Goldfield Blue Bell Mining Company Certificate, 1915
4: Pan American World Airways, Inc Certificate, 1971
5: The Fort Worth Elevators & Warehousing Company, 1939
6: Pilgrim & Beattie Enterprises Inc. Shares Certificate, 1986
7: Hungary Praha Nouveau MUCHA Design Insurance Certificate, 1897
8: Application For Pension Capt Cunard of Mt. Gilerad, 1886
9: Clerks Office Payment Receipt, 1849
10: Antique Booklet ALMANAC 1899 Rare Ending 19th.C.
11: Antique Report Public School Hancock County, Iowa, 1907
12: R.M.S. QUEEN MARY Cunard Cruise Line Menu, 1957
13: R.M.S. QUEEN MARY Cunard Cruise Line Menu, 1957
14: R.M.S. QUEEN MARY Cunard Cruise Line Menu, 1957
15: R.M.S. QUEEN MARY Cunard Cruise Line Menu, 1957
16: R.M.S. QUEEN MARY Cunard Cruise Line Menu, 1957
17: Very Rare Vintage Photo Jerome Holland Football Cornell Team
18: Antique Photo Basketball Cornell Jerome B. Holland
19: Set of 3 Wildwood Co. Postcards Fish Story, 1906
20: Golden Age Of Baseball PAUL THOMPSON Photograph